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Picture of varied tools and toys designed to support autistic students
Picture of red letters spelling out the word "Books"
Picture of varied autistic classroom supports
Picture of game designed to support autistic children
Picture of inclusive chair
Picture of colorful wooden stacking game

Apply Today

2024/2025 Cultivating Inclusion School Microgrant Application

This application is designed for teachers, educators, and administrators to make micro-grant funding requests from Cultivating Inclusion Lewis County for the purposes of enriching and enhancing inclusion in school. Cultivating Inclusion is operated under the Lewis County Autism Coalition, a 501(c)3.


For the purposes of this application, inclusion means to promote or create acceptance and empowerment of students who have intellectual, behavioral, and/or physical differences.


Funds can be requested to support classrooms, equipment, staff development, or another area that supports inclusion in school and education. The recommended funding request is between $250 and $500, though larger requests may be considered based on the level of impact. Your provided information will be evaluated by the Cultivating Inclusion committee members for consideration and approval or denial.

If no link to product is available, please give as much information as possible.

Please understand: You are requesting funds raised by a hardworking nonprofit. We expect that applicants will be good stewards of & transparent involving these funds. If granted, a report illustrating enrichment value will be delivered. Do you agree?

Sign here or upload image of signature.

Sign here or upload image of signature.

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